Monday, June 13, 2016

Pella, Iowa

We took a trip to Pella, Iowa to see the tulips in blooms and get some of their great Dutch pastries. They have all colors and types of tulips.

These are some of the costumes worn during the Tulip Festival.

A working windmill

Looking out from the top of the windmill

First Trip of the Year - Abilene, Texas

In February, We traveled to Abilene, TX to see our nephew, the weather man.  Had a lot of fun visiting him and had nice warm weather for February.

Downtown Storybook characters

Fort Phantom Hill

The Zoo


I have always wanted to see how tall a windmill is.
My nephew is 6'3"

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Trip to Indiana

Here are some miscellaneous pictures of our trip to Indiana.

This picture was taken as we entered Wisconsin

One of the art work on a Elk in downtown Elkhart, IN

More art work in downtown Elkhart

Some of the quilt patterns you see on the buildings throughout northern Indiana

One of the quilt gardens in Elkhart

Pictures of the Amish

Lake Superior and the sand dunes

Lake Erie

Pat and Debbie Boone concert